HPV Specialist

HPV is a common family of viruses that can play a role in cervical and penile cancers, as well as genital warts. As a top-ranked New York City gynecologist, Dr. Goltyapina performs in-depth testing and care to identify and treat these infections in women throughout the Financial District and beyond.

What is HPV and how common is it?

HPV is an abbreviation for the human papillomavirus, a large family of more than 80 viruses that are spread commonly via sexual contact. HPV is the most common STD in the U.S., and almost every sexual person comes in contact with the virus at some point.

Can HPV cause cancer?

How is it diagnosed?

The human papillomavirus is typically diagnosed during a routine pelvic exam using a technique similar to the technique used in a Pap test. A small sample of cells is removed from the walls of the vagina and the cervix and evaluated under a microscope to look for the virus.

Sometimes, an HPV infection is diagnosed after Pap test yields abnormal results. (In fact, it is a leading cause of abnormal Pap test results.) A diagnostic exam called a colposcopy uses a special solution and a magnifying lens to highlight and view abnormal areas of the vaginal canal and cervix so small tissue samples can be taken for additional evaluation.

How is HPV treated?

Several methods may be used to treat HPV depending on the way the disease manifests. Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) is a popular approach for the precise removal of warts using an electrified loop of wire. Other patients may benefit from cryosurgery, which uses super-cold temperatures to “freeze off” warts. Laser treatment may be used to remove warts, as well as other areas of abnormal tissue that may be related to an increased risk of cancer. In some cases, prescription medication may be used to control or prevent outbreaks. Our providers will walk you through all of your options and choose the treatment plan that is right for you.

With a multi-faceted and patient-targeted treatment plan, it’s easy to see why we are considered the best HPV specialist.

Is it related to HIV or herpes?

No, the three STDs are not related to each other.

How is HPV transmitted?

HPV is spread easily when you have sex with someone who has the virus. Even though vaginal and anal sex have the highest transmission rates, you can get it through oral sex as well. The HPV vaccine can lower your chance of getting the virus. It is recommended to get vaccinated up to the age of 26. The CDC does not recommend the vaccination for adults aged 27 and older. However, this is only a recommendation and depends on each patient.

What is the HPV vaccine?

The HPV vaccine specifically targets the types of the virus that most commonly cause cervical cancer. It also helps to protect against the types of virus that cause most genital warts. It is effective and recommended based on each individual patient.

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