Birth Control

Dr. Natalya Goltyapina is a Board Certified gynecologist who serves patients throughout the Financial District of New York City, New York. At Broadway Gynecology, the doctor and her staff offer various types of birth control, whether Depo-Provera, Nexplanon, or IUDs to meet each of her patient’s needs.

What are some birth control types and options?​

Birth Control at Broadway Gynecology near me

What is an IUD?

An IUD is a birth control device that is inserted into the uterus to prevent a pregnancy from occurring. An IUD, or intrauterine device, “T” shaped and works by attaching itself to the walls of the uterus. 

There are three types of IUDs used in the United States. Mirena® and Skyla® release small amounts of hormones to help reduce the possibility of a pregnancy, while the third, ParaGard®, works by releasing small amounts of copper. IUDs offer long lasting and effective protection. Once it is inserted, there is no maintenance or special steps that need to be taken. The effects are easily reversed with the removal of the device. 

If a woman is having difficulty conceiving, the doctor may request simple lifestyle changes, such as eliminating alcohol and tobacco products. If the problem is due to a hormone imbalance, hormone replacement therapy may help solve the problem.

What are Common Side Effects Associated With Oral Forms of Birth Control?

Oral birth control medications are extremely effective, but they do have minimal side effects. Many women have reported weight gain, lack of energy, problems with vision, mood changes, lack of sex drive, breast tenderness, and headaches. 

Oral forms of birth control are available in different dosages and can be adjusted to help reduce the risk of side effects. If a patient begins to experience any side effects from the oral birth control that has been prescribed for them, they need to report them to their doctor. The doctor can then decide to either alter the dosage or choose another method birth control.

Before a diagnosis of infertility is made, a doctor will evaluate the patient’s attempts to conceive and try to determine the cause. If hormones are ruled out, the doctor may look to the reproductive system to determine if there is a health problem or if it is functioning improperly.

How Often Should a Patient Receive the Depo-Provera Shot?

Depo-Provera shots last approximately three to four months. At some point between the tenth and twelfth week, the contraceptive benefit begins to wear off. Doctors advise their patients to receive their next Depo-Provera shot prior to the expiration of the first one.

Overlapping the injections by a few days will not cause any harm or adverse reactions. Each patient will react differently to the shot and the exact length of time the shot will remain in effect will also vary. The manufacturer claims that pregnancy can result as early as 14 weeks after the injection. By receiving the nest shot between the eleventh and twelfth weeks, the patient will remain protected and the risk of pregnancy is minimal.

What is Nexplanon and how effective is it?

Nexplanon (etonogestrel implant) is among the most effective contraceptives available, with efficacy as good or better than sterilization procedures, but without any of the risks of invasive surgery.

It is an implantable form of birth control that begins working within 7 days, lasts 3-5 years, and it’s birth control effects disappear within 7 days of removal.

Our providers are experts in same-day Nexplanon insertion, removal or reinsertion.